- toggle trace effect
- toggle visibility of nodes
- reset canvas
- pause or unpause the simulation
- toggle inverting of colors
- toggle debug mode
- toggle shape fills
- toggle history effect
- download an SVG of the current drawing
This interactive application lets you grow fun 2D forms out of simple shapes using a process found in nature called differential growth. Use the tools on the left to draw lines, rectangles, and circles or import custom SVG artwork, then hit the Play button to start the process!
When you see something you like, use the Download SVG button (or the S key) to get a vector file that you can use with pen plotters, laser cutters, and design software like Fusion 360 or Illustrator!
Differential growth is a natural process that produces interesting undulating forms out of over-constrained chains of particles using simple, configurable rules.
Anders Hoff describes this process well in his article Shepherding Random Growth.
This app was built using JavaScript (ES6), p5.js, Babel, Browserify, and a smattering of single-purpose packages.
Source code and documentation available on Github.