
/** @module SVGLoader */

let Node = require('./Node'),
    Path = require('./Path'),
    Defaults = require('./Defaults'),
    {SVGPathData} = require('./node_modules/svg-pathdata');

/** Utility class to load an external SVG file and produce Path(s) */
class SVGLoader {
  constructor() {}

   * Kick of loading of an SVG document embedded within a DOM element with the provided ID
   * @param {object} p5 Reference to the global instance of p5.js
   * @param {string} id ID attribute of the DOM node to load SVG data from
   * @param {object} settings Object containing local override Settings to merge with Defaults
   * @returns {array} See `load()`
  static loadFromObject(p5, id, settings = Defaults) {
    return this.load(p5, document.getElementById(id), settings);

   * Extract path data from the provided SVG node and produce a set of Path objects with Nodes
   * @param {object} p5 Reference to the global instance of p5.js
   * @param {node} svgNode SVG DOM node to load data from
   * @param {object} settings Object containing local override Settings to merge with Defaults
  static load(p5, svgNode, settings = Defaults) {
    this.settings = Object.assign({}, Defaults, settings);

    let inputPaths = svgNode.querySelectorAll('path'),
        currentPath = new Path(p5, [], this.settings, true),
        paths = [];

    // Scrape all points from all points, and record breakpoints
    for(let inputPath of inputPaths) {
      let pathData = new SVGPathData(inputPath.getAttribute('d'));

      let previousCoords = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0

      for(let [index, command] of pathData.commands.entries()) {
        switch(command.type) {
          // Move ('M') and line ('L') commands have both X and Y
          case SVGPathData.MOVE_TO:
          case SVGPathData.LINE_TO:
            currentPath.addNode(new Node(p5, command.x, command.y, this.settings));

          // Horizontal line ('H') commands only have X, using previous command's Y
          case SVGPathData.HORIZ_LINE_TO:
          currentPath.addNode(new Node(p5, command.x, previousCoords.y, this.settings));

          // Vertical line ('V') commands only have Y, using previous command's X
          case SVGPathData.VERT_LINE_TO:
            currentPath.addNode(new Node(p5, previousCoords.x, command.y, this.settings));

          // ClosePath ('Z') commands are a naive indication that the current path can be processed and added to the world
          case SVGPathData.CLOSE_PATH:
            // Capture path in return object

            // Set up a new empty Path for the next loop iterations
            currentPath = new Path(p5, [], this.settings, true);

        // Unclosed paths never have CLOSE_PATH commands, so wrap up the current path when we're at the end of the path and have not found the command
        if(index == pathData.commands.length - 1 && command.type != SVGPathData.CLOSE_PATH) {
          let firstNode = currentPath.nodes[0],
              lastNode = currentPath.nodes[ currentPath.nodes.length - 1 ];

          // Automatically close the path if the first and last nodes are effectively the same, even if a CLOSE_PATH command doesn't exist
          if(lastNode.distance(firstNode) < .1) {
            currentPath.isClosed = true;
          } else {
            currentPath.isClosed = false;


          currentPath = new Path(p5, [], this.settings, true);

        // Capture X coordinate, if there was one
        if(command.hasOwnProperty('x')) {
          previousCoords.x = command.x;

        // Capture Y coordinate, if there was one
        if(command.hasOwnProperty('y')) {
          previousCoords.y = command.y;

    return paths;

module.exports = SVGLoader;